I’m a senior research director at the University of Chicago Crime Lab and Education Lab where I’m fortunate to manage a team of ~10 data scientists on applying the tools of data science to important problems in public policy.
I’m passionate about using data science to help governments better understand and manage the problems that they face on a day-to-day basis. To that end, I led the Crime Lab’s effort to use data to better predict police misconduct (paper forthcoming) for the purposes of routing helpful interventions to officers before an adverse event causes harm to the public, careers, and trust in policing. The algorithms resulting from this research are now in use at the Chicago Police Department. I have also advised on data analysis for the Policing Project’s Reimaging Public Safety project.
From 2016-2019, I directed Crime Lab’s collaboration with New York City to update the pretrial release assessment used as a decision-aid by judges in nearly 100,000 arraignments each year. This work, which was a part of Mayor de Blasio’s Close Rikers plan, resulted in a decison-aid that is more accurate, recommends pretrial release more often, and reduces the racial disparities observed in the recommendations of the prior assessment.
I’m also interested in combining the tools of machine learning with econometrics to estimate personalized treatment effects. The Education Lab is currently conducting a large-scale evaluation of high-dosage tutoring in K-12 education and I’m leading the effort to apply heterogeneous treatment effect estimators to learn what works for who.
Feel free to contact me: gstoddard [at] uchicago.edu
Recent Papers
Stoddard, Fitzpatrick, Ludwig. Predicting Police Misconduct. Forthcoming
Guryan, J., Ludwig, J., Bhatt, M. P., Cook, P. J., Davis, J. M., Dodge, K., … & Stoddard, G. (2023). Not too late: Improving academic outcomes among adolescents. American Economic Review, 113(3), 738-765.
Northwestern University | PhD in Computer Science | Sept 2010 - June 2016
Binghamton University | BS Computer Science, BA Mathematics | Sept 2006 - June 2010
University of Chicago Crime Lab and Education Lab | Senior Research Director | August 2019 - present
University of Chicago Crime Lab and Education Lab | Research Director | August 2016 - August 2019